Monday 6 December 2010

Ideology of Blame

Don't Perpetuate The Myth

By using the term 'Social Care' to describe the needs of the older population who need help, contributes to the ideology that blames older people for using up much of the scarce and finite funds of the NHS.
The term 'Social Care' is an umbrella term for all people who use the social care system, and they include: people with a sensory impairment; a physical or learning disability; a terminal illness; a mental illness; alcohol and drug dependency, and problems associated with ageing.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Age Discrimination

Peter Lasslett once said: "We must live in the prescence of our future selves". The research findings below certainly show that this must be the case.

Research undertaken by Proffessor Abrams of University of kent found:

•From age 55 onwards, people are nearly twice as likely to have experienced age prejudice than any other form of discrimination
•Nearly 30% of people believe there is more prejudice against the old than five years ago, and that this will continue to get worse
•One third of people think that the demographic shift towards an older society will make life worse in terms of standards of living, security, health, jobs and education
•One in three respondents said they viewed the over-70s as incompetent and incapable.
One key point is that a half of all people under the age of 24 have no friends over 70, and vice versa. And the data shows that those without intergenerational friendships are also more likely to hold negative beliefs about the competence of people over 70.
"Inter-group contact and positive relationships across the generations seem to be an important mechanism for combating ageist stereotypes," Professor Abrams said.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Increase in State Retirement Age

Increase in State Retirement Age.

The state retirement age is to increase to 66 in 2016. This will be good news for many people who still feel very able to work past this age. However, for those over 50 years who still find huge age discrimination in the workplace, and find it almost impossible to secure work opportunities, there will be little joy here.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

State Pension link restored

Good News in the Emergency Budget for those reliant on State Pension??

George Osborne announced at the recent emergency budget that State Pensions would be increased annually in line with average earnings or inflation, whichever is the greater. This means that State Pensions, once linked with average earnings before the Thatcher Government abolished that link, will once again start to accrue some real value.

Saturday 1 May 2010

UK General Election - third Leaders debate

UK General Election 2010 – third leaders debate

The third debate saw the leaders of all three parties coming out fighting. David Cameron, although still a lightweight in debate, held his own against Nick Clegg, but failed to stop Gordon’s questions on the Conservatives intention to cut Inheritance Tax for the very rich. Nick Clegg also tried to justify the Lib Dems intention to give an amnesty to all illegal immigrants in the UK if elected. Crazy, considering that those illegal immigrants have broken UK law. Nick Clegg probably got the idea from his wife, who I believe is Spanish. Spain gave all Illegal immigrants amnesty in 2009 and the level of unemployment in many areas has now reached 20 per cent.
Gordon Brown did a really good job on the economy and he seems very confident in his team’s ability to pull the UK out of recession and into growth. Unfortunately, the media seem determined to judge him on his looks and personality. I don’t want a film star as Prime minister, I want a Prime minister with a sharp intelligence and strong moral character, who believes in fairness and equality, and I think Gordon Brown can deliver that.

Friday 23 April 2010

Volcanic Ash

Apparently, the volcanic ash that has rendered the European airline industry into near standstill, as well as, causing untold problems for travellers, has some anti ageing benefits for the skin.The ash when mixed with water forms a clay. The clay, which contains an extensive concentration of a number of minerals have been found to have a number of healthy benefits to the skin. According to some. it helps to lift and firm the skin, exfoliates and lifts dead skin cells and reduces the appearance of cellulite. And there I was worried in case it appeared in my swimming pool - bring it on.

UK General Election - 2nd Leaders Debate

UK General Election – 2nd Leaders Debate

The second Leaders debate has taken place, and what a difference a week makes. Nick Clegg the darling of the first debate according to some (certainly not me) showed himself this week to be a very shallow opponent, and rather ill-mannered, butting in at every opportunity. Both Nick Clegg and David Cameron came across as two rather spoil, over confident school boys - lacking in both experience and substance. Gordon Brown however, raised his game without using any of the PR techniques the other two use so deviously. Gordon Brown is the only one of the three that has both the experience and the intelligence, and proven commitment to public service, to take the UK through the worst economic situation since the 1930s.
Gordon Brown also promised to restore the link between Pensions and Earnings in 2012, which the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher had previously removed.

Saturday 17 April 2010

UK General Election 2010 - The first debate

I watched the historical General Election debate by the three party leaders, Gordon Brown (Primeminister), David Cameron (Cons) and Nick Clegg (Lib Dems). After watching the American debates beween Barack Obama and watshisname, which were really stage managed, I was expecting the UK debate to be a little insipid. However, I was quite pleasently surprised. Gordon Brown - the bruiser that he is came across as a man of substance, well able to take on the other two slick pretty boys, both in debate and at the election box.I thought that Gordon Brown did really well.

Sunday 11 April 2010

General Election in the UK

At Last the General Election has started and already we have one prospective parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party namely Stuart Mc Lennan making hugely insulting ageist comments by referring to older people as “bloody coffin dodgers”. There is some justice in this world though because he has been sacked as Labour’s candidate

Sunday 28 March 2010

Skin Care Top Tips

Living in Spain and the UK has shown me how sun damage and the cold and wind of winters in the UK can age women beyond their years. One top tip to avoid premature ageing of the skin is to use a high factor (at least 30) sun cream every morning summer and winter, apply after showering and forget about it.
To make skin look even toned and more flawless, mix your sun cream with a little foundation and apply with fingers or a make-up brush.
This not only improves the appearance of your skin, and provides sun protection, but also makes your foundation last longer.

Sun Cream: I love - Delial factor 30 by Garnier.
Foundation: Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Extreme (this also has SPF 15).

If like me you find that beauty consultants always recommend foundation, which is far too dark for you - I think it must have something to do with the florescent lighting in stores. And, as soon as you apply it at home, it gives you the appearance of a clown, and no matter how much you try and blend it in, it refuses to improve the look of your skin. I suggest that, you try using a high factor sun cream, which is usually white in colour and creamy in texture, and mix it with your dark foundation – this will dilute the colour and make it easier to apply.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Don’t Buy Into That ‘Old Age’ Scenario

Attacking ageism has to happen on all fronts – not only do we have to talk the talk but we have to walk the walk also – so to speak. With this in mind, and if we are to attack ageism on all fronts – then the most important thing that we can do as individuals is to not buy into that ‘old-age’ discourse.

New Ageing means ageing successfully. Be pro active and start taking responsibility for your own quality of life and well being. If you don’t feel old, don’t act old, and more importantly, don’t let other people treat you as ‘old’ just because you’ve had more birthdays.

Don’t let those insensitive and ageist individuals treat you as a species apart.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Rage, rage against the dying of the light (Dylan Thomas 1914-1953)

This blog intends primarily to challenge ageism in all its insidious forms, at the same time, show those ageists out there that New Ageing is here. We do not intend "to go gently into that good night" but as the man says we will rage, rage against those who intend to turn the lights out, just because we reach a certain age.

One of my biggest beefs at the moment is those advertisements on TV that advertise life assurance policies for the over 55s. You know the ones, you have fairly well known people looking seriously into the camera and saying, that for a small sum each month you could guarantee that on your death, your children and relatives will not be left with funeral expenses, or the worry of having to find money to cover these costs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Life Assurance, but to use emotional blackmail as a cover to sell a product is just typical of the way society treats older people. Not only do these adverts feed into institutionalised ageist practises, but they perpetuate the myth that once past 55 or so, that we should start preparing for death.

I do not intend to go gently into that good night!