Friday 23 April 2010

Volcanic Ash

Apparently, the volcanic ash that has rendered the European airline industry into near standstill, as well as, causing untold problems for travellers, has some anti ageing benefits for the skin.The ash when mixed with water forms a clay. The clay, which contains an extensive concentration of a number of minerals have been found to have a number of healthy benefits to the skin. According to some. it helps to lift and firm the skin, exfoliates and lifts dead skin cells and reduces the appearance of cellulite. And there I was worried in case it appeared in my swimming pool - bring it on.

UK General Election - 2nd Leaders Debate

UK General Election – 2nd Leaders Debate

The second Leaders debate has taken place, and what a difference a week makes. Nick Clegg the darling of the first debate according to some (certainly not me) showed himself this week to be a very shallow opponent, and rather ill-mannered, butting in at every opportunity. Both Nick Clegg and David Cameron came across as two rather spoil, over confident school boys - lacking in both experience and substance. Gordon Brown however, raised his game without using any of the PR techniques the other two use so deviously. Gordon Brown is the only one of the three that has both the experience and the intelligence, and proven commitment to public service, to take the UK through the worst economic situation since the 1930s.
Gordon Brown also promised to restore the link between Pensions and Earnings in 2012, which the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher had previously removed.

Saturday 17 April 2010

UK General Election 2010 - The first debate

I watched the historical General Election debate by the three party leaders, Gordon Brown (Primeminister), David Cameron (Cons) and Nick Clegg (Lib Dems). After watching the American debates beween Barack Obama and watshisname, which were really stage managed, I was expecting the UK debate to be a little insipid. However, I was quite pleasently surprised. Gordon Brown - the bruiser that he is came across as a man of substance, well able to take on the other two slick pretty boys, both in debate and at the election box.I thought that Gordon Brown did really well.

Sunday 11 April 2010

General Election in the UK

At Last the General Election has started and already we have one prospective parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party namely Stuart Mc Lennan making hugely insulting ageist comments by referring to older people as “bloody coffin dodgers”. There is some justice in this world though because he has been sacked as Labour’s candidate